Dengeki Bunko UCanPick [TOWN + SURVIVOR WIN]

Maybe its in andres and ds

Oh yeah also riley possible

Nah it cant be ds I already proved that

how did you prove it isn’t ds again, i mustve missed that


quick maths

ActionDan - 99% town (role)
Srceenplay - 98% town (role and actions)
skitter30 - 96% town (role)
GTacc - 90% town (role and behaviour)
catspurr - 80% town (behaviour and actions)
DS - 67% town (behaviour)
Nanook - 67% town (behaviour)

leaving riley and andres as scum together ezpz.

also maybe erika got vigged and riley got blocked (or i got protected). whooo knowwws

I have nevwr seen a ninja vig in my life

that could easily just be scumDS goading me into pushing skitter. it isn’t alignment indicative at all.

Yes well if you saw them they wouldn’t be very good ninjas now would they.

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I think we have like 2 ml’s and im pretty sure 2 wolves in bottom 4 people, we got this game

Lol what?

I left you open to one person

I said something about it somewhere


Btw I am confirmed townie since I never bus cheeky in my life unless she persists

Honestly a pretty good poe.
Actiondan needs to help get it smaller

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A dead person

super lame

I felt like a good idea
