I don’t have any reason to think he is scum.
Just paranoia.
So I’m just poking and prodding for reactions.

guess i’ll join in :stuck_out_tongue:

everyone ignored it. RIP

hey have you seen battlestar galactica? i’m kinda obsessed with the soundtrack lately. it’s a work of art.

Never watched it.
I was more of a stargate fan

stargate is pretty good but i’m having trouble convincing mantis to watch it with me

how long does this topic last

I thought it was only night

In this game, this chat is permanent.

So am I getting this right?
DS is claiming a protective role?

nah he claimed anti-protective.
as in he says he can target someone to make them unprotectable.
not sure how much i believe the claim but eh. seems weird for a scum claim.


So what’s the town utility?

i guess if there’s a vig it’d be useful. that’s about it.

So he is anti me.

what are you claiming doctor?

Kinda, I think.
Who ever I put into this room I am then able to choose who they are untargetsble by

how were you planning on using it tonight?
i have no active abilities if that affects your decision.

I haven’t thought about it.
I fell like it could be a double edge sword.
If I use it on scum it can stop them from being copped tracked watched.
So unless I know for a fact I’m protecting town I think it isn’t worth using.

So you should have received a one shot action for joking the room.
It wound help you?