Demonic Mafia Town Win!

I really do get the feeling that there is something going on in the game thats unconventional and that we aren’t supposed to know about.

or at least, aren’t expected to figure out without the additional knowledge of the divine entities.

the missing night kill (if there is one) is also setting off alarms in my mind

Guys the alignments aren’t named straight from Nanook’s mouth. We’re not going to get information from flips.

are you citing this?

Characters are not alignment indicative. Some characters may or may not possess powers. Powers, if they exist, are not alignment indicative.

I don’t take that to mean no flips, I take that to mean you can’t deduce alignment from character names and abilities

So you didn’t read Erika saying that she(?) can affect the game state after 2 deaths (or maybe it was 2 NKs? Can’t remember off the top of my head). Clearly Erika had a PM :roll_eyes:

Clem literally told me alignments aren’t named. Verify this yourself.

Woah. Big if true guys.

can we lynch the host please

I’m willing to bet so much money that we killed the 1 player that would alignment reveal everyone after so many deaths happened. Do I have any actual evidence of this? No. Just the worst gut feeling.

There’s definitely a mechanical way for establishing if we hit or not. Refuse to believe there’s not.

I’m really pissed at myself for not realizing my vote dropped the hammer. Wouldn’t have done that. Fuck

I think we just TKed our one way to find out

I think you’re being way too paranoid. I’d be shocked if that were the case.

I am now calling for a MASS ROLE/POWER REVEAL because we are WAY too far in the dark here. Y’all with me now?

I mean we’ll find out sooner or later. :man_shrugging:
I’m still fairly convinced erika is a hit tbh.

yeah I’d be down, we should popcorn it. (person who claims directs next person to claim). I’d be happy starting.

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I’ll get the ball rolling tmrw afternoon unless someone speaks up with a good reason for why massclaim is a bad idea.


It’s Day 2: you should know what the basic premise of the game we’re playing is by now.

Ron Howard Voice

There is indeed no good reason to not massclaim.