you’re welcome
i didn’t give you cabd, but i did give you “not MS”
i sense you are getting frustrated
Potatoes are remakable.
I keep on hearing that Moana song >.>
what can i say, except, i’m sorry?
Yes. Yes, I am. But you must be psychic because surely I’m not showing it.
yes i am quite good at reading people. truly incredible. remarkable, even, yup.
for real though, my apologies if i’m making this game unenjoyable for you. i can tone it down if you want.
I did full claim. Like I wrote down every detail of my role. See #3193 and #3383.
my outsourcing of pyx read is just resulting in no one really looking at his plethora of claims
screenplay is absolutely bullshitting about at least part of his role
VOTE: screenplay
ohh, my frustration is not directed at you
you’re a coldhearted robot so you can’t be a comedian
I was referring to others
My role is 100% factual.
You okay buddy?
Your humouroids playing up?
I’m against claimng, but I’m referring to the powers you and Josh both claim you’ll get or have gotten when finding whatever it is that activates them.
MS needs to claim… don’t you guys think?? that way we can know if Screen’s seems out of the question.
I also read Josh’s iso - tried to quote several things, but I guess I didn’t copy it all properly ? Don’t really feel like doing it again. He’s prob town, or at least not scum.
He was definitely okay with skitters/ cabd lynch. Even said that skitters can be tricky and a good scum player.
i realize that pyx has claimed 2-shot miller bodyguard.
i’m obviously unsure about the miller part, for role reasons, but the bodyguard part at least makes sense, especially if there is no doctor.
i’m not really focused on pyx right now though, while srceen is so obviously lying to our faces.
i think the next-most-powerful role we have, after srceen’s, is a one-shot vig. what kind of mod makes one role totally broken and then sprinkles low-power roles everywhere else, so that town is basically screwed if that one broken role is revealed or lynched early?
especially when we have so many confirmable roles, like thief, one-shot-vig, racecop… how does a bulletproof doctor make any sense? so that we can confirm the vig as town and then protect him forever without scum having a counterplay?
i’m gonna give ffery a bit of credit and say she’s not going to create something so obviously broken.
Also, his pushing on MS yesterday lined up well with his previous thoughts on MS. Said that he didn’t like MS pushing on him, and that MS should be able to read him better than that.