Deep Space 9 Mafia - Game Over!

What purpose would srceen have to false claim so early in the game?
It makes no sense as scum, town or even indie to claim so early or to clear me if he was fake claiming.

I mean, why me?
If he is Scum he knows I’m not, but he doesn’t know my role, my powers if any or even if I am town.
For all he knows I am indie.

The only reason I can think of to fake claim so early is if we are scum on the same team?
But so early?
When neither of us was under threat?
When, if either of us are lynched, NK, it would tie us together as Scum?

Give me a good rational reason for the claim to be Fake, Nanook.

VOTE: Catspurr

Srceen, I am honestly baffled at your claim. The only reason I’m not voting you is because you did exactly this as Town before. If by some miracle it’s true, it’s wrong from a strategic point of view.

Okay, if srceen is full of shit, I am his target.
Why are you voting his Target?
Not him?

I don’t think srceen is full of shit because the only thing that makes sense is he has been instructed by the GM to do what he has done for some game mechanic.
This game has more going on than meets the eye.

I honestly think I’m willing to vote just about everyone who has tales.

This is what happens when town players make false claims.
It means that no claim can be accepted.
All claims are devalued and pointless.
All because town thinks it is smart to fake claim.

If only scum fake claim, then town have an extra chance of winning because they catch them out in fake claims.

If nanook is caught fake claiming he just goes, aH just kidding Bro, trying to trick ya’s.

Okay, I’ll bite.
Lets lynch Srceenplay and see what shite is happening.


He says his role states that he has to claim on page one.
There are no pages on this forum.
Sad saxophone

Can you give examples?

You need to address ActionDan’s, Nanook’s and Urist’s points before I consider changing my vote. Your spot has been giving me the wrong vibes for a while, from the outrage about Nanook’s proposition (which I didn’t find egregious, but I did think was more detrimental than not), to the vote above on Nanook, to a failure to address anybody’s points about your play. If you’re Town, you’re not being convincing.

Just thought of this, but if srceen is scum then his claim might be an attempt to flush out the cop that probably exists (given the miller claim).

any thoughts?

you should make that reads list

Yes, it’s a scum list. What do you think about it? In particular, what do you think about parsec putting you and Andres at the bottom and me and Nanook at the top?

I think you need to take a step back and try to look at the game as if the claim didn’t happen.

Andre I don’t Address votes on me.
You want to vote me, go ahead I don’t give a shite.

I do try to address questions directed at me.
I may have missed some questions.
I tend not to read walls of post with walls of quotes very closely.

I haven’t read ActionDans post except in passing and will have a look.
If he has asked me question I will answer specific questions.
I don’t answer fosses or votes.

Why? Srceenplay made it for a reason.
If it is a genuine reason we need to know, if it was for a fake reason we need to know.

why do we need to know? sometimes you gotta know when to let inscrutable dogs lie yknow?

I kinda wanna :joy:

You seem to think the inscrutable dog is town, or why wouldn’t you vote scum?
You have suggested one reason for them to do it as a scum reason.
But you are not voting them?

Urist, how would you describe cats reaction?