DBZ Mafia Game Thread (Town Win)

I vehemently agree

I already claimed :thinking:

First to figure it out is confirmed town.

It’s not a claim if we have to tell you what you are

Unless you’re a day vig or a cop of some sort idk

Yamcha soft. Or maybe yajirobe.

Did I win?

Wait are you claiming lover and/or furry

You talking about me?

Two roles around goku death that does the same thing. Fake

[quote=“M2H, post:298, topic:4179, full:true”]
if im in it :+1: :cowboy_hat_face:

if im out of it :-1: :thinking:


Yeah Gtacc looks bad

Yeah thats because I’m being facetious bro

why are there no female characters in this game?

Wasn’t M2H claiming Vidal

isn’t she my daughter?

I interpret it like m2h is one of gohan’s hoes not as a character, but as a person since he was fangirling over vegeta and gohan in the thread earlier. so I still think m2h’s claim of krillin holds more weight than thinking he’s Videl.

hope u find ur irl gohan to make u happy one day, emtooache. just don’t settle for someone who treats you like a sidepiece.

also, don’t uh be calling my daughter or any other woman a hoe.

You look bad

To be honest there must be a some kind of third party because if there is not my role never ever works