Compromise R3

So we win together? Nice.

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Its still a slip and I knew you were scum off it. If chess was town I think that slip costs you the game.

Yeah maybe. I just thought it was my best chance.


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i still like the setup tho

thanks for self revealing <3

chesskid gf
andres goon
ds - vt

chess/andres wins

I cant tell if my line of play was good or awful lol

maybe ask andres if he’s a ww

surprised so few cop claims
when i played irl every game had a cop claim lmao

Probably going to using the 6-role “base” version of compromise as the recommended place to start playing for someone totally new to forums and mafia-like games on forums.

Main purpose is to get them used to posting on a forum and see if they enjoy it conceptually enough to stay for a real/larger game.

The rate of flakes/replacements of first timers off-site tend to be pretty high and a game of compromise is a low-risk way of seeing if people will flake/hate the site/etc.

Obviously this will lead to questions about how to read people in a 3p vacuum with “no information” but that really is the core of social deduction so might even be feature not a bug. :man_shrugging:


Lack of an incentive to fight takes away most of the “doing” in this game.

Without having some idea of who they’re playing with to make the “social deduction” part worthwhile I’d imagine noobs would be bored out of their mind.

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yeah most noobs want roles/powers and with only one real phase its kinda eh for beginners i would think

Maybe a pre run game they can post their infinite daykill order against

Maybe the popcorn gun game could work.

This is a good point.
Maybe some modified version of ONUW.