Colors Mafia OVER

VOTE: Elli

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Didn’t realize this started

Just the mod, so you are fine

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Ahhh the DS rule

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Assuming color painted by the brush is mine

VOTE: Elli

Primary Colors: Magenta, Yellow, Cyan

What is this game?

The three primary colors will be handed out as role PMs, one of which will be mafia. If your faction’s primary color(s) have been eliminated, your faction loses the game.

Maybe we should all claim

We talked about this already

Everyone is a combo of two of the primaries, so limited utility to a mass claim

Thanks for the welcome. I’m glad it’s not just me being confused by this game haha. It’s an interesting set up.

Ok, somehow my unreasonably long day timer has confused EVERYONE… I’ve decided to give you guys 14 days to resolve the game. Night phases are 24 hours, so you will need to leave yourselves sufficient time for night phases to occur between TKs (Twilight counts as part of the night phase).

When the topic timer expires, mafia wins.

Meow mix

That sounds like a boring format and make me wanna afk this game

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How about primaries claiming

I’m still trying to figure out what color I am LOL hold on.

I expected to be told I was yellow cyan or magenta, not get a color that was none of the above.

“Each player is assigned a color that is composed of at least one primary color from their faction.”

I got red so I guess I’m team magenta?

Hopefully this wasn’t strategically horrible.

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That means you are team magenta or team yellow

yellow and red are related???

these 3 are the primary 3 start announced

so why haven’t we massclaimed colors

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