Cocktail Party Mafia OVER

also starv called me a psychopath when he found out which drink I would have picked…


tell the class

Gin Martini

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you still owe me your dragon refutation btw

It’s probably fake news

Oh it was this

Bxd4 is more popular than e5 now.
Also even in that line I think Re8 is considered better than Be6 now.

Ya the thing is when I played everyone was like no no. Sac it white never takes

And to me it just looked like shaky comp for and exchange but still nobody did it

Idk im fully expecting to lose 2 straight, withdraw, and gamble for 3 days

yeah so you played the right line in our game except I deviated at Bxd4 Qxd4 Qxb6…and it’s surprisingly easy for white to end up worse there if they press too hard (eg our game)

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i never press too hard idk what you mean

I just mate everyone every time with no failures

white to move

Obvious Nc4

Then when he plays Qc6 I take on B8

He forgets and takes back on instinct and I get a free queen

zzz you have a tournament actually try.

Pretty sure I would xc5 nc4 in real game

Qxa8 Nc6 Qxf8 Bxf8 dxc5 Qxc5 Nd7?

Nd7 before dxc5 winning pawn. is there better

dc5 Bc5 Nc4 Qc6 is basically nothing.

Qa8 fe5 0-1