Chesskid IPick 2 - Medium Effort Version - Day 4

I would like to unvote now but I cant

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i mean at 5’11" who isn’t taller than m2h

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Yep, you’re stuck!

True true

On dating profiles I’m 6’0” to be fair

Not like I have any dating profiles but

You shouldn’t lie to potential paramours, it’s unseemly

Plus you never know when one will show up with a measuring stick

I have an approximate knowledge of what you were trying to say just then

Since when is Ellibereth in this game?

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Are you serious right now…

would you guys buy a tape measure that says 5’10" is actually 6’0"?

In layman’s terms, “don’t lie to people that might otherwise want to fuck you cause it’s rude and then they might not want to fuck you anymore.”

I’d buy one that says 6’3 is Yao Ming height

Ive also just realized that

In lay man’s terms oooh spicy

I thought he made an admin post thats why his name is in non voters

who has sex with the same person more than once? it’s like reusing toilet paper, yuck

really would appreciate it if a towny could save me, thanks

@GTacc why would you think i’m mafia