Chesskid IPick 2 - Medium Effort Version - Day 4

Hard to argue results.

VOTE: Goalkeeperboss

@JakeTheWolfie feel free to join me here.

@Kiymali_Pide is mafia by the way

wrong thread .d

You’re voting Doggo so you must not really believe this.

VOTE: Doggo

I don’t see another way this can play out better tbh

Seems to do this as scum? literally when? this is news to me.

can’t believe you guys let starv get away with this much bs

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Now’s probably the time to claim doggo, unless you’re planning a last hour bait and switch with your partner

I’m VT. My role PM loosely says that chess thought I had the worst responses in the game and that I deserve no powers.

I somehow believe that LOL

GKB is Scum. He’s self-pressing here out of nowhere with limited content and trying to argue that he doesn’t see how this plays out any differently.


Andres if you vote for doggo I promise we might not kill you tomorrow!



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I thought it was worded clearly?

@ErikaFurudo this might be the time to move. You’re running out of time.

I’m confused - are you Scum claiming?

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