Chesskid IPick 2 - Medium Effort Version - Day 4

I take your king, rip off it’s crown, and give it to king @chesskid3

I know what I would do. Is it bad if I try to help?

Nah let’s make a bet instead

We could bet on who we think is going to win.

I think I have a decent move. dunno if it’s the best but it’s… decent for the immediate future.

Wait Erika is in this game? Long time no see.

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This is an iPick, so one thing you guys should all know is that I never would pick Scum. You know how it’s constantly said around here that in the one previous iteration of this game everyone picked Scum? Well, everyone but me did. So just remember that.

@Andresvmb I bet you all my current money that m2h and I will talk about animoo in this thread.

do you accept my clear wager terms?


And you have no money.

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I have munny in my heart tho

You can bet your heart and I can bet a piece of coal. That seems like a fair wager to me.

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@Urist what do you think of my proposal?


Here in this game we only bet for $. Nothing else is enforceable or sanctioned

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The terms would be simple. We would both pick a player to win. If neither player wins, it’s a draw and no money is exchanged. If one of us picks correctly, then that person wins. How do we deal with a scenario where we both want to pick the same person though?

i mean you both wanna pick gtacc soooo

I guess if we both pick the same person, to make it fair, then no money is exchanged either. I was thinking about whether it would make sense to give each other odds (so tilt the bet some way) to bet on someone else, but too complicated.

Our submissions would be done to the Mod, so that way we keep our choices secret until a winner is revealed.

What do you think?