A Normal Mafia Game

It would only be a normal game if Elli tried to win quickly.

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Votecount as of post #61

DoggoPlays (3): Srceenplay, chesskid3, proto
BananaCucho (2): GTacc, Urist
GTacc (2): BananaCucho, naz

Not Voting (6): Andresvmb, DoggoPlays, Ellibereth, JakeTheWolfie, Kiymali_Pide, StarV

Did you know? If the day ended right now doggo would die.

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This game is whack

Probably should vote dog so you donā€™t get taken out before them

Do you mean take the dog out?

I mean they are getting tied off the island. If the donā€™t want to be the first one voted off they probably should vote dog to make sure the is the first one out down

The tribe has spoken

woof woof

wolf wag


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i am Jake, and Iā€™ll be your host for this eveningā€™s bullshittery. scum Should beware, in fear of being outed.

Iā€™m not getting eliminated today lol

Oh ok then

This could be the start to a beautiful friendship and/or alliance

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Your face is fake

I have about 5 people Iā€™m never voting right now. Urist seems lost.
Dog and char lizard are scum

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Where is your head at right now?

VOTE: Chesskid3



Whobare those 5 people?