8 player Necromancy Mafia Seeking a replacement (8/8)

Ok i want to play big brother maf instead

I could go either way, the goal is to encourage more substantial posts.

Elli u should run another SUaV



I want more SuaV

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Yes me too


yeah sure, its 5 am and I’m about to pass out but I’ll do it later.

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2 more to start this guys, lets gogogo

I’ll post this in a discord.


Do we have 1 more for this scenario?

I might kill this one and see if there is more interest in one of my other set ups…

Can you vote more than once?
Can you vote on the same person more than once?

You only have one vote, but you can use it multiple times.

Or should I say change it multiple times

Ok. Now I get it. Once you vote you have to keep it somewhere.
