11p Arsonists (1, 7)

Dusk > tn > the rest

Me and dusk are masons so thatā€™s a no go from me.

Youre reading it backwards

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ā€¦weā€™re snosaM?

i think heā€™s saying that youā€™re scum.

I know what heā€™s saying and it ainā€™t that

I didnā€™t read that at all

Ok my vote on Josh has just leaned to authentic non meme


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Oh wait I thought he was saying I was the primary kill for a second

Kts isnā€™t a bad kill so he can keep a nullish read

I donā€™t understand what youā€™re doing tn and that worries me.

Star are we masons yet?

Heā€™s at a kill pool of half the game lol

Actually, itā€™s not a bad size for a poe at this stage if heā€™s right :man_shrugging:


There are only 100 post but just realized there are 2 more days left
I might come up with a big post

Iā€™m saying Dusk is the towniest in the 6, followed by you.


Which mathematically, is auto if right.

We are going to lose if activity keeps up at this rate.