Urist's Junk Mafia - Game Over

I have been busy lately ty for noticing

did you check whether the game was #friendly before posting that

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btw I don’t mind people playing suboptimal or badly

I get slightly peeved when everyone finds every excuse to justify x, y, or z. Reminds me of kids complaining exam questions tricked them and therefore they were right. :stuck_out_tongue:

The only thing that would’ve been funnier is if I’d made chess target himself which tbh I only just thought of and now I’m mad for missing the opportunity

This is more like using the wrong equation and getting the right answer anyways

Oh I agree completely that it was super questionable. They should have totally ignored me. There’s something fascinating about the fact that they didn’t. And I did oscillate between Chess and Nanook too much but at the same time I felt like we might really need to figure that out ahead of the last day. Fortunately we didn’t need it.

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But hey, thanks. I think you’re right, and I definitely made mistakes.




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Anyways this post

Being the last one of the day is still the funniest thing to happen this game

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Looking back, I was annoyed at my play, so I was motivated to try something (anything) that might help solve the game. It was a prayer, like a heave towards the end zone from your own 20 yard line. Questionable, but works on that rare occasion to great effect.

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VT is overrated, the game should always be about mechanics.


Since we’re on the subject of


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Mountainous would like to know your location

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Add me to the dead chat+neighbourhood(s) and I’ll make them public

Oh I can do that too! Totally forgot tbh

Cause I’m a good mod

I was going to offer last night but I figured someone else would do it, I woke up and saw chess had done the one he was in but Elli hadn’t lol