Spoiler-Free Observer / Dead Chat COCKTAIL PARTY

Wow, squirrel is healed. It’s a miracle!

I have no idea what’s going on in this game lmao


I’ve given up on understanding it, I’m just playing with a semi open setup rn lol


Super excited to be here. Thanks for having me.
Deep wolf FTW

Are we ever going to be allowed to get spoilery?

When the game is over.

I’ve never understood why dead thread gives away the game.

I like it a lot more than not

When I die I don’t necessarily want to have to stay just as invested to get a solve

I’m busy and would much rather get the answer and occasionally check in until it’s over

That might just be because I’m used to way way higher post volumes than you are tho so maybe that’s less of an issue for you

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I’ve always seen it more as the mod has took the time to create a story and then you say I don’t care anymore just give me the last page.

Sure but I’m not gonna closely read thousands of posts for a game I’m no longer in 8 or 9 times out of 10


H20G1 had 16785 posts

If I died D1 no way in hell am I reading all of the rest of those lmao

I like rooting for whacky mechanics so I just want to know what’s hiding in the background lol

But Star mentioned there’s a way for someone to come back for a day(?) and I was more asking if that point had passed


Laserlab was the barkeep
Mafia team is orangeandblack5, Srceenplay, Squirrel and UFOFever (lw)

UFO role PM was the bastard info, he selected Alcoholic Patron.

Game information

Drinks must be served evenly across the 4 categories, therefore at no point can a category have 2 drinks served while another category has 0 drinks served.

Each drink delivers a 1-shot PR, the menu is your reference to decide which orders you want to fulfil.

Cocktail Menu
~ 1-shot Journalist ~
The Journalist may provide the mod with a message to post in the start of day message. This message will be clearly labelled as non-confirmed information.
Black Russian
~ 1-shot Captain ~
The captain may give orders to each player who receives a drink, as well as to the mafia. This role does not require the subject to obey the captain’s orders. It is an informative & communicative role.
Moscow Mule
~ 1-shot Friendly Neighborizer ~
The Friendly Neighborizer may create a masons chat with another player. In order for this to work, both players must have a Moscow Mule, and both players must be town.
Sex on the beach
~ 1-shot Fruit Vendor ~
The fruit vendor may, at night, give a piece of fruit to one other player in the game.
(https://forum.mafia451.com/t/spoiler-free-observer-dead-chat-cocktail-party/4917/80)FF]Blue Lagoon
~ 1-shot Neighborizer ~
The Neighborizer may create a neighborhood with 1 other player, or add 1 player to an existing neighborhood.
Bloody Caesar
~ 1-shot Mailman ~
The mailman can send a message to 1 other player in the game. The contents of this message will be displayed in such a way that it is clearly not mod confirmed information, the identity of the mailman is also private information.
~ 1-Shot Inventor ~
The Inventor may give out a PR to another player. The PR will be a modified version of a drink you serve that night.

Whiskey Menu
Whiskey Sour
~ 1-shot Absorber ~
The absorber passively acquires abilities that target them. 1-shot indicates that they will only acquire the first ability that targets them.
Old Fashioned
~ 1-shot Sensor ~
The Sensor can detect how many players were on the kill wagon of the previous day.
Irish Whiskey
~ 1-shot Follower ~
The Follower can target another player at night to learn what type of drink they used that night.
~ 1-shot Cop ~
The Cop may learn the alignment of one other player in the game.
~ 1-shot Coroner ~
The Coroner can inspect a dead player to learn any details hidden from their flip.
~ 1-shot Voyeur ~
The Voyeur learns all night actions which have targeted same player as they have.

Martini Menu
Vodka Martini
~ 1-shot Executioner ~
The Executioner can kill someone during the day with half of the required votes (rounded up)
Gin Martini
~ 1-shot Friendly Vigilante ~
The Friendly Vigilante may kill another player, this player must be of the same alignment as the Friendly Vigilante, otherwise it will have no effect.
Make it Dirty
~ Victim becomes vengeful ~
The Vengeful player immediately kills another player.
~ 1-shot Poisoner ~
The Poisoner may mark 1 other player for death. The target player will die at the end of the following day.

Beer Menu
Belgian Ale
~ 1-shot Reviver ~
The Reviver can bring another player back into the game, that player will only be revived for 1 day/night phase.

Red Ale
~ 1-shot Bulletproof ~
The Bulletproof role prevents a player to be killed via killing actions, poisoning excluded.

Pale Ale
~ 1-shot Commuter ~
The commuter can use their ability to commute, while commuting, no actions may affect this player.

~ 1-shot Bodyguard ~
The bodyguard can target 1 other player, if the target player dies at night, the bodyguard would die instead.

~ 1-shot Paramedic ~
The paramedic acts similarly to a doctor, except instead of saving the target, the target becomes marked for death instead. If the target player is already marked for death, they are no longer marked for death.

~ Guard ~
The Guard is a player who knows the barkeep

White Beer
~ 1-shot Hider ~
The hider may hide behind another player, if the hider were to die, the target player dies instead.

Wheat Beer
~ 1-shot Poison Doctor ~
The poison doctor may heal someone who is marked for death.

ya, that was a red flag for me

It’s kind of impressive that, if not for Nanook’s meddling, town would have gone 4/4 in 3 days.

