:blobby: SoDopeMafia6: The Sky is Falling (Throwback Re-Rand) - [TOWN WIN]

tbh all this setup spec and mechanics kinda left my brain at some point in my 2 am flame war with starv and tommy

What I’m trying to get you to understand is that role alignment doesn’t actually matter.

And I’m trying to do it in a way that doesn’t spoil the game.

In case it’s not clear, I’m looking at all the role pms from the original run. Yes, it’s possible that Darren changed some things. But there have been zero differences with the flips so far.

I hate getting this meta.

I thought everyone knew what I knew, sorry.

Especially the other two FFA players who played this game before.

I mean honestly spoil the game

give me all the info that you have

Because the single scum player would’ve been blocked on N1.

They didn’t get to visit until N2.

And they won’t gain any powers until someone visits that person on N3.

Right now scum is quite powerless, but they’re actually not the best target.

I’d rather not. The genius of this setup is that making iron assumptions based on standard mechanics just leads town to kill itself. So I don’t really want to be the person who ruined things for the host. I should’ve just asked for clarification earlier. I just already had the roles in front of me because Darren asked me to dig up the opening post.

I am most suspicious of StarV for insisting that there are exactly three scum, but I suppose that could be excused.

Next up is Tommy2Hands for pushing so hard on the “no lynch” stuff, which would only really help scum in this setup.

But the real question is – who would Tommy2Hands choose to visit last night? Who would he think would be the person most likely to be visited by other people later in the game?

Urist only said that because he is a penguin and m2h literally confirmed themselves d1? Idk the roles or even what sodope is lol

didnt DS say the only reason the setup isnt open is because he couldn’t find the setup.

in that case im p sure you should just tell us what you know

Yes, there’s a damn good reason why Urist posted that video so many times to start the day. It’s also why I protected him two nights in a row.

This is a SoDope game. The sixth one. There are many others and this is the style.

??? There is no one on him

I thought “open setup” meant that everyone knew the setup.

And yes, he couldn’t find it at first, so he asked me. I have a backup of the old forum.

This means nothing to me lol

it kinda ruins the credibility of the game if one person has a lot more information than anybody else so tbh if knowing the setup ruins the game then the game is already ruined by you knowing the setup

if that makes sense.

I’ve agreed to some groundrules with Darren and plan to be conservative about them.

Sure, but the host has requested that I not post any of the role pms or refer to any of the roles by name.

So I won’t.


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Lets just all agree to not use our roles.

We can just make it a mountainous from here on out.