:blobby: SoDopeMafia6: The Sky is Falling (Throwback Re-Rand) - [TOWN WIN]

plus i wasnt around at eod

i was specifically talking to gamma there, who burnt his vote on someone who wasn’t gonna get lynched and popped in at the 11th hour just to say goodbye
i know why you voted for erika

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Which site was sodopemafia 6 hosted on originally?

FFA, but way back machine won’t archive that because Darkus didn’t ever put it into my archive so it’s trapped behind a login

no but can someone make me one :frowning: i wanna be the ones that go to south america

but urist is why no one died last night? he saved town?? why would u want dis

only a scum would be so pressed to get their night action done methinks :thonk:

Urist is 100% confirmed town.

Uhm… Can’t Tier just confirm everyone in a mass claim? LOL

@Urist is your ability active or passive? Do you need to target another player?

You know how I usually give extra role pms at the beginning of my games? Those role pms are included in the rand but with the same amount of people as who originally played, so there will always be a few possible extra pms that are not in play

It’s ok, I think Tier quit mafia due to excessive losing.

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What? Fuck you.


Tier is just busy trying to figure out which Tinder date is which tonight.

I dont get many matches anymore :frowning:

Move to a new town.

Get it

penguin party, missed that!

Cat, tell us who is scum again today, thanks

@Urist I think we should be voting Mittens tbh.

VOTE: CActus

@Cactus are you a penguin?