:blobby: SoDopeMafia6: The Sky is Falling (Throwback Re-Rand) - [TOWN WIN]

I’m obviously being turbo’d @M2H @Tommy2Hands @Gamma_Emerald cmon vote star or even cactus

@Andresvmb wtf are you doing why do you sr me


Caught scum sure posts a lot.

Your stupid list obviously sr’s the peraon with the most posts if you’re going by person with the most posts who pinged you. You should spend less time being cute with images and focus your energy on not being a retard. Two of the scummy people on your list are actively voting me lmao.


again no signs of a cw to me. Scum must really not care :blobby:

how about you leave the site?

wtf is this

your software is borked lol


I still might! You’re kinda cute, though.

@Gamma_Emerald @M2H @Tommy2Hands
come shift plurr onto starv. Gamma if you don’t do this and star is scum, you are lockscum with him since you were just here and tr me.

It’s just sentiment analysis. Happiness is mandatory. Trust the Computer!

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I heard jamming a cactus up your ass is a good way to cure aids. I wish you luck with your health.


Goodness sakes! I suppose it’s worth a try, though. When would you like me to cure your aids?

This is my first internet boyfriend! Teehee

ok nevermind, I wanna die after reading that

:blobby: go :blobby: blobby :blobby: go :blobby: