SoDopeMafia Presents: The Hateful Eight

He dmd me to clarify.

Iā€™ll post my role PM to show it was weirdly worded, but I think that ruins the game so Iā€™m not gonna do it.

Then youā€™ll get modkilled so that seems like a bad idea

Donā€™t post role pms

J$ is sort of reaching imo and makes me think hes scum.


Johnny motherfuck dolla

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VOTE: JohnnyDollar

Votecount as of post #68

GTacc (1): JohnnyDollar
JohnnyDollar (1): Tier

Not Voting (6): Josh, Ellibereth, chesskid3, Mittens, Andresvmb, GTacc

He slipped into dem DMs unprovoked?


Its cause i said i could kill one person per night in my claim so he corrected me

Again boys itā€™s a 8p game not interested in tier today

Is star dead irl or

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VOTE: JohnnyDollar

Seems correct. Thereā€™s not enough content in this game really so itā€™s hard to make a case any which way, but so be it.

I want to see more from Mittens Star Elli JD

Iā€™m back

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So, Tier is town, JohnnyDollar is town. I think weā€™re up against an Elli, Mittens scum team.

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Pls show me your workflow