RPG Mafia 9er

why would you submit an action without looking at the flip?

More of a “I don’t trust urist”

Have you played with me before?

Crazy people don’t know they’re crazy. I know I’m crazy, therefore I’m not crazy, isn’t that crazy?

It’s my daughter’s birthday so I won’t be posting at all prob. I’m strongly leaning toward gellnick but would like to see thoughts from @DoggoPlays & @Andresvmb first.

There is no info, and either every townie is pretending that they don’t understand game mechanics or none of them actually do understand them. and seeing as chess and starv flipped town at only level 1, I think that insinuates most town truly don’t understand the game.

Seems weird but after this ends I request we just reroll the game and play again with a more educated town. i also think the roles could be tweaked.

I legitimately do no know who is and who isn’t scum. I’d like to believe Dolby is town but i have no idea how they played and no one has linked me their shit. Urist could have been a pocketmaster here or just town. since early into day 2 I thought the most likely teams were Dolby/Urist or Gell/Andres, maaaaybe Gell/Urist.

I believe that it’s impossible for both gell and dolby to be town though, since otherwise scum would just wagon one of them and hammer.

this post reads to me a bit like trying to make a cover story for their night action though. gell hasn’t put in many reads in the game, but being sus of orange and wanting to track them is a bit weird of a read imo.

Orange and I go back.
I’ve learned the hard way to never trust the orange and black yin yang

if you and orange go way back, then you’d think your read of them would be better? :thinking:

@Urist r u town or scum? :pleading_face:

I think you’re Scum for what it’s worth. The bottom two reads you have don’t make sense together. It’s fine if you want to express some uncertainty towards me because I voted outside the main wagon (though it flipped Town so not sure why you’re taking it as a negative too much). But you’re saying I voted my Scum buddy? Why would I do that?

I shot at gellnick, and it didn’t go through.

Yeah there is. If you didn’t make a choice N0, you started as Vanilla and would accrue one additional CP N1, which you could immediately use to upgrade to Level 2 and then use that power.

Nope, he’s one of the original people from CD I still don’t really get


Okay well if I had to guess as to why I’m alive, it’s probably because I sucked yesterday and I’m expected to vote gellnick today for a loss? I really don’t know and I don’t have a lot of time to think about it.

We also kind of should make up our collective minds I suppose?

I’m kinda here mostly not

Don’t really have a concrete idea on who gellnicks teammate is

Someone needs to break the tie or we just lose

Yeah I’m going to vote. Like always.