I find this current game state infuriating. I don’t trust anybody. I feel like it’s the right move to trust Urist and jake here but I’d be mortified if I let them scum slide on me like this playing the way they did. I guess it’s also right to trust you here because chess said you were town but he also said I was town and you aren’t reciprocating on then so idk if I should either. Andres was probably my strongest tr besides chess before he died but now andres is buddying with ms in a way that hat makes me feel like andres is either trying to pocket MS or he is so far tunneled into MS being town that he just isn’t willing to reconsider and this has all left me in a bad spot where no matter who I decide to trust there’s a good chance of me being wrong and also a high chance of that trust not being reciprocated in a way that leads town to lynching me and losing. Having to put up with you acting like you are beyond reproach and being dismissive of me in thread while also acting entitled to having the ranked system work for you when it’s people like me and andres that we’re consistently winning games in the previous ranked system instead of just talking to me like an equal is infuriating.
I don’t understand your gripe at all.
Unless it’s that people are playing to the scoring system…?
(Also I am beyond reproach)
- You think that people should see you as town because of the chesskid read, but seem unwilling to extend that to me. That’s hypocritical. It also doesn’t make sense. We have three lynches that are almost always going to chess POE + 1.
- You are constantly dismissive towards my ideas, but don’t offer any feedback besides that. I feel like the way you have engaged with me this game has been catty and disingenuous.
- In a game state like this, is it really playing to ranking to not communicate with others? If town loses that is presumably the worst overall outcome.
- You have a sense of superiority in expressing that players like you should be ranked highest when in the previous ranked system it was players like me and andres that were top performers. I’m not saying that I feel like I should be #1. In fact I believe that I should specifically NOT be highest rated, but acting as though a system is invalid unless it leads to high accuracy players receiving top ratings when those players weren’t the players to have the highest overall win % is a little too much for me to entertain.
I’m not SRing you M2. I’ll read the rest of your post later probably, I’m tired rn.
You seem to be taking anything that isn’t agreement with you as being a personal attack or comment? It isn’t meant that way
It should probably be clear to anyone who cares to find it where my thoughts are
I think you’re misinterpreting jokes, tbh. Regardless of what I think about the current scoring system, I’m going to play to it in a ranked game
All in all I think you’re attributing malice or ill intent or a general tone to my posts that isn’t intended. I don’t think I’ve treated you particularly poorly or unfairly tbh, and I’m unclear why you seem insistent on taking disagreement with you as a personal slight?
ok i honestly dont care i was just bitching
what time are we meeting tomorrow morning
Same time I guess but uh
We already have most of the votes so I kinda didn’t think we needed to?
uh sir
those votes are on you
it also seems like the town in andres/ms got pocketed by the other so
maybe we need to consolidate our votes unless you like being lynched
I know I should but…I can’t really bring myself to care, tbh. I’ve gotta vote scum either way
you make it tempting to just let you die tbh
35 min
I think you voting for me might actually be good lol, so…go for it guess
Nobody’s gonna stop me since if I’m wrong I tank rating