PoE Mafia - Game Over



Every day, players may place a number of votes equal to the number of living mafia. At the end of the day, the top 50% (rounded down) players are nominated for elimination. The mafia may change their votes after the end of the day to influence the nomination, although this change will be public. In the event of a tie, the mafia decides who goes into the pool.

If no town were nominated, the town wins.
If no mafia were nominated, the mafia wins.
If a mix of town and mafia were nominated, the mafia must eliminate one of each from the pool of nominees, and the game continues.

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Apparently voting isn’t working properly at the moment so the game will begin once that’s fixed (in about a day).



4 days is the new 1 day. Day 1 starts now! Deadline is at 2020-10-05T04:00:00Z

For this day, everyone has 5 votes.


VOTE: Nanook
VOTE: Ellibereth
VOTE: Andresvmb
VOTE: chesskid3


I believe you

VOTE: ActionDan

VOTE: Vote: ActionDan

Im learning


UNVOTE Vote: ActionDan

VOTE: ActionDan


@Breshke if you put an unvote in the same post as a vote, you won’t be counted as voting for anyone. FYI.

If you want to multivote, just put each vote on a new line, as such:

VOTE: Chesskid
VOTE: Jake
VOTE: Elli
VOTE: Gtacc
VOTE: NotMafia

VOTE: NotMafia
VOTE: NotMafia
VOTE: NotMafia
VOTE: NotMafia
VOTE: NotMafia

This is objectively correct

VOTE: ActionDan


VOTE: ActionDan
VOTE: Breshke
VOTE: Nanook
VOTE: JakeTheWolfie
VOTE: Dunya

VOTE: ActionDan
VOTE: Nanook
VOTE: JakeTheWolfie
VOTE: Ellibereth
VOTE: Dunya

If our votes are split too much cant mafia just win after day finishes by changing votes.

Should we agree on 5 people for everyone to vote

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