Normal Dead Chat

when I got my role I didn’t bother reading it because I thought normal medium could talk to the dead chat during that day, but apparently I can only in the night which is really frustrating and it’s probably going to make us lose the game, so I apologize

still, doesn’t hurt for you to give me your solves and hope I live :man_shrugging:


puppetting Elli’s body

Oh hi there doggo it is I the great Elliberetta and I think you arr scum

i haven’t read the game since d1 LOL.

naz and the person she said she was town are masons together and look for lost wolf softing, all i got.


Elli can you please uhh actually give me reads

screenplay, you can give me reads too I guess, though your read on me was objectively bad so I’d prefer elli reads here.

still love you though :pleading_face:

dam that’s a lot of work adding and removing dog erry night

dope tho

Naw pretty easy, just two buttons each time!

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Normal it, Normalnook!

So proto and Andre?
Who is Naz buddie?

@Ellibereth gamesolve pls and ty

I don’t have time, people can win games without me.

Everyone is so afk this game hurts

I’m glad I’m dead honestly

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Ellibereth, gamesolve or else.