Needlessly Complicated Mafia - Postgame

why check nanook?

Sorry, ATE is banned here.

but really, my math and logic aside, nanook’s reaction to being potentially caught didn’t feel like town wtfing what im saying, did it? huh? it felt like mafia trying to downplay or outright ignore me yelling TK nanook from the start of day rigghhhht?

troll or no troll

Literally the only reason you thought I was mafia is cause you don’t understand how subtraction works :stuck_out_tongue:

no, it’s worse than that and i’ll tell everyone after the game otherwise i’ll lose a lot of credibility in my reads. i’m learning, okay?

Cue massive eye roll


How could it be worse tho

Did you forget that priority medallions existed or something

because you and nanook are the only people ive played with and i TR you based on your opening post where you struggled with mechanics with host on your own…relatable. didn’t feel like you had a team to lean on.

I never troll

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ate is not allowed, and if i told you, it would totally be ate because you’ll feel so sorry for me

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im lost on what is a multi level troll and not. can we actually not post cute pics in here or not?

Can confirm Star is a Very Serious Mafia Player

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this is very townie.

Of course you can

This is the rule he’s referring to On excessive AtE

Star is a well known troll

we need that in TS. the last 2 games i’ve been in… face palm ykwims

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oh, so it is like a real thing. thanks Nanook.

any other rules for here which wouldnt be caught by a generic catch all of “try to be a decent human”?

Everything I say has a grain of truth to it, including this statement.

Ellibereth doesn’t go by the name Daddy, I think that’s the only other one that’s a bit out there.