MHA Mafia Game Thread - Game Over

ooh what are these cool emotes

:blobby: :copparrot: :thonk: :sleepingparrot: :portalparrot: :gigathonk:

Bananasā€™s thought process on Cloned makes like zero sense and Iā€™m trying to figure out if itā€™s the wolfy kind of not-making-sense

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it sorta feels like it could be Signalling :tm:

wolf!cloned would be incoherent

that also goes for town!cloned but w/e

my first thought was it was such a weird thought process heā€™s town

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Trust was probs the wrong word usage, but not liking an idea you voted just because someone agreed with you seems like an over reaction tbh

Im literally playing a virtual frc tourney rn cut me some slack man

thatā€™s exactly how you donā€™t signal

Because there would inevitably be some caveat that gets me dead for dumb reasons

how do you have time to respond to votes to you then

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youā€™re assuming heā€™d be good at signalling

your assuming he would signal and not talk to his scum mates first

Donā€™t really agree with that tbh

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alright time for some wild tinfoils

@Deadbananas have you watched MHA?


VOTE: Goalkeeperboss

so like

if I follow Bananasā€™s thought process

heā€™d have to think ā€¦ ā€˜Cheese was a LW who voted Gtacc because he thought Gtacc was town, then saw that orange agreed with him and, townreading orange, thought that orange agreeing with him might mean Gtacc was actually scumā€™?

@deadbananas please help is this actually what you were thinking

My friends talked to me about it a bit but they basically said whats in the top and something abouta dude eating hair