I wouldn’t have Scum sided though without GKB flipping.
we still lost majority and it wouldn’t have been fixed if you didn’t kill scum at night
He was probably totally lying
It would be in-character
I was aiming! Cloned was a shot at Scum not a Claim.
That’s on you lol
It’s only swingy insofar as it has a really high skill ceiling and a really low skill floor
It being a hydra actually raised the odds the players who had it would be able to use it well
Having one random hydra slot while both not pre-asking the players and it not really being a hydra game is really dubious on the bastard to non-bastard scale.
Aiming at scum and failing to kill scum is the towns job not yours
That makes very little sense
Like no part of that is bastard
I realized that after I had shot already to be fair.
Why was there a Miller IC
Was that literally just for the memes
So an innocent child can claim miller
Also can someone add me to dead chat
Anyway, thanks Mods. I had a lot of fun. This was great. I played the best Town game ever and I wasn’t Town. It’s incredible.
Why was there a Miller IC
Was that literally just for the memes
Miller claims can often be treated as a soft IC for a while, but sometimes will lead to being run up. The IC was activated, but could only be activated with a certain percentage of the votes. So it’s a role that has a distinct realm of gameplay going for it.
fuck you orange I was right
If by “right” you mean “for the memes” then yes