MHA Mafia Game Thread - Game Over


orange my gut says he’s scum now what does your gut say

how do I unvote

I think that was p gross

click the button that looks like a refresh symbol next to the hammer

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No one tell him



I’ll be back in a bit but way to rip yourself off the list



Hi welcome to insanity

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can you explain your mindset at the point when you voted yourself

I felt bad and kinda dramatic and knew I could unvote immiediatly so it was for drama really.

sorry btw

yeah your scum

I mean I’m not but I can see how you would come to that. need to use /s more often

VOTE: deadbananas

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I don’t think this is how bananas would express this thought as town and separately I think town bananas would just post it right away rather than taking like two minutes to write it

its how I feel and after messing up by posting too fast off instinct I felt like slowing down.

I mean really what am I supposed to say in defense of voting myself. I did it rashly as a joke then regretted it.

don’t defend yourself then