MHA Mafia Game Thread - Game Over

I hit enter too early lel

what is lymph

Okay but why were you randomly putting a post about PhD’s in the middle of a game thread


I’m sure this is some drug reference I don’t get

RVS baybee :sunglasses:

Lymph is a nickname for an offsite alt of Gtacc

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Actually I think Gtacc is the new name?

could be red tho


chemisty my ph feind.

@GTaccwhich name came first


my brain is like ‘did orange accidentally do a 1610’ but it’s also like ‘why would orange randomly be saying he likes ph in scumchat’

one post later

[quote=“clonedcheese, post:112, topic:3835”]

I don’t like him switching his vote just cause someone agreed with him. Especially something he came up with. I feel this is lone wolf indicative because if he was scum test Gtacc for a reaction and then someone agreed with him he might think its not good to out a scum mate.

This is dumb, if they had the class they would know that its plural in the sentence and cheese is a grammer fan.

thats all I got but its the biggest stuff so far.

tf is a 1610

first can I get a clarification what lone wolf means

next that post was meant to be a slight joke and mainly shade at orange for agreeing - not really switching my view of Gtacc

just why

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to prove my point lmao

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when you accidentally post something from scumchat into the main thread

referencing roro_b doing that in post 1610 of his champs qualifier game

cloned town
fire town
rika town
dead town
arete town

start looking elsewhere please this is killing my brain cells

Does town cloned even read most of his role pm? :gigathonk:


I actually wasn’t aware of this

p funny
