Josh Mafia 2: Custom Edition - Day 2

Am I alive?

You were pinged so yes.

One of the neighbors are always scum

Actually who is DS now GTACC?
I’m sure I called them scum yesterday

this game is lovely VOTE: metalsonic

is whoever said meatloaf locktown? Katyusha iirc? idk if they were first.

VOTE: metalsonic

The president is scum!

Look at me, finding all the scum so you don’t have to.

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Why does Metalsonic keep getting ran up like a cheap hooker?

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You should die next.

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he is doing a very good job of open wolfing and we must avenge th cow.

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Despite the Phony Witch Hunt, we will continue to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Thank you!!

“Someone should call Ellibereth up. The Ellibereth Administration spied on a rival presidential campaign using Federal Agencies. I mean, that seems like a headline to me?” @chesskid3 It will all start coming out, and the Witch Hunt will end. Presidential Harassment!

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Metal shouldn’t you be voting nanook if you blocked him the night of no kill? (n1)

Nanook is dead.

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For the unaware, my aspirations include (but are not limited to):

  • Adopt a puppy.
  • Ride in a Heißluftballon.
  • :ballot_box_with_check: Anschluß.
  • Learn how to knit.
  • Lynch Metal Sonic.

The last option is the most achievable at present.
VOTE: MetalSonic

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geck yes!

I was listening to a german twitch streamer today and a anime version of Erika started playing and he couldn’t stop laughing.

VOTE: Metal Sonic

I think Metal Sonic would make a great president. The best president. The best president ever. He’ll have a giant inauguration with only the best performers - true winners and not big losers. Imagine, all those previous ones with those losers. Lame! Anyway, Metal Sonic understand what America needs - he’s been saying it for years. And he really speaks from the heart, no bs from Metal Sonic, he tells it like it is. Metal Sonic 2020.

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i did vote nanook fam, but people weren’t on board

see this, presidential vote right here