Guns & Roses 2 - All Done

Still N1 :rose:

quickhammers are only
if they happen to someone that hasn’t posted

Why would I pick N1 Rose as scum?

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Votecount as of post #418

StarV (6): Key, ActionDan, GTacc, FakeGod, tn5421, chesskid3
Key (1): StarV
FakeGod (1): Andresvmb

Not Voting (3): Ellibereth, Tier, Nanook

StarV has been lynched. He was a Mafia N1 Rose.

Deadline is in 24h. I’ll ping you if you have a shot to make.


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Tier has been killed. He was a Town N1 Gun.
Andresvmb has been killed. He was a Mafia N3 Gun.


@StarV was a Mafia N1 Rose.
@Andresvmb was a Mafia N3 Gun. He shot tn5421.

@Tier was a Town N1 Gun. He shot Andresvmb.
@Ellibereth was a Town N1 Gun. He shot Andresvmb.
@ActionDan was a Town N1 Gun. He shot Tier.
@chesskid3 was a Town N1 Gun. He shot Tier.
@Key was a Town N2 Gun.
@GTacc was a Town N3 Gun.
@tn5421 was a Town N1 Rose.
@Nanook was a Town N1 Rose.
@FakeGod was a Town N2 Rose.

Lol I was right

i literally pestered you for hours to scumhunt and you’re telling me someone shot the last scum? what the fuck



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maybe @Urist is right and this is just hella townsided

maybe make the next game have 3 scum instead of 2?

Why did u shoot tier Dan he’s like the furthest from you on the list

tier and fg are equidistant from him

what list

It’s not a circle

They call it the playerlist not the playercircle

dan wtf did you not follow the plan

I view it as a circle :man_shrugging:

wasn’t sure if people were only going for down and up as closest for a bit so didn’t know if i was suppose to shoot fg or andres

i didn’t realize there was a plan

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