Generic Superhero Mafia II (Game over, Town win!)

I agree with you, it doesnt make sense. But just because something doesnt make sense doesnt mean it isnt something that could happen.

Idk, personally you seem pretty town to me just off of conversation, and I dont really buy Urist’s whole day today, and if we could outright lynch Urist today I would be all for it. However, if you are lynched and flip town then we literally know 100% who the scum team is because it would have to be a day 1 scum of Urist or Andres, and since Andres is saying that Urist did not go anywhere last night then it would by POE guaranteed scum in Andres.

well, from my POV, obviously.

From your POV it could have been me

Right in the heart of the city, the heroes continue to bicker at each other even as they lay in their respective beds. The vaguely feminine computerized voice chimes in, “Hey there! I know you guys are trying to sleep, but I thought you might want to know who you’re most likely to kill.”

VC 1.2
Srceenplay: Urist, Mantis, DS
MS: Andres
Urist: Srceenplay

Cowards without a vote: MS

Deadline is 2018-12-09T02:00:00Z


im somehow voting and not voting, huzzah!

Is it past deadline?

19 hours

Yeah this is true.

I really hope you don’t flip Town, because that would mean that it’s DS and getting enough people to believe anything I’m saying here has proven to be a challenge.

Honestly, I’m starting to think that lynching Srceenplay is not the right move. But I’ve mislynched DS before so I don’t want to forcefully argue for him either. But I mean this is most probably false:

But obviously if DS is Scum he has an incentive to make this sort of argument.

And you wouldn’t get this from Srceenplay flipping Town:

You would just get that I’m the Scum from DS’ POV. That’s it. You could then argue that I could have converted Urist and I have an incentive to try and clear him, but the Team wouldn’t be the two of us for sure. It just seems like there’s an attempt here at ensuring that the wrong person gets lynched next if Srceenplay is Town, but again I can’t fault DS because he would have no other choice as Scum. If Srceenplay is not the Scum, DS would be playing against his win condition if he didn’t argue for me. DS later changed his tune and stopped arguing that it would surely be the two of us, but I will just note that this was DS’ first impulse.

Purely given the mechanics, Srceenplay makes more sense to me. But if DS didn’t really get that I would track them overnight, then the confusion about the tracking result doesn’t really reduce the odds of it being DS from my POV (since DS would not have known that infecting N1 could potentially mean that I would know who the Scum Team is). You will have noticed that I was relying on this a bit when arguing for Srceen earlier (#225), and now I just don’t know. And Srceen does seem like his Town self.

And for this, look at #341.

But arguing this as Scum is clearly suboptimal.

Yeah let’s stick with Srceen for now. But I’m going to be slightly disappointed that I could have tracked the right person only to be given the wrong result.

Yeah I’m not scum

I’m still okay with Srceen. he had the most probability of being scum d1.

And in order to get an infect in, scum isn’t going to want to take the chance and get blocked. So maybe they had to block ds’s jailkeep.

Well I’m not either. So let’s see what happens.

(If I take you at face value of course)

Yeah I mean it makes sense. I’m just trying to prepare for tomorrow if we’re wrong.


Srceenplay, thought about Andres?

VOTE: srceenplay

You hammered? Interesting.

The day doesn’t end early I know. But still.