Dub Thee Game Thread

Erika why would my POE of 2 scum in 3 players change when one of the POE flips town

That doesn’t make sense


See you on the other sideeeeeeeee

y would u not choose the lynch and only show up when andres is wagon at last sec

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Opening for EOD. Only Seth may post.

I’ll end this game in a Town/Kingdom Win.
As Chemist was Mafia and the last Mafia “Drifter” can’t ever win here.
We have Row who can silently Roleblock and transport 2 players.
King and Queen still alive (Xerje2 and Solar)
Along with Kuma.
With the only actual viable miss lynches being Nanook, Andresvmb and Erica which even then Drifter could never make it to the end without the other 2 with them basically confirmed Town.
And as long as Row has Drifter as 1 of their targets its GG.
Therefore, I’m declaring this a win for the Kingdom! GG!


if Row didn’t cancel is action, Jackson would have died instead of DoggoPlays who could have puppeted Andresvmb and got a potential mafia win.

MVP: Kuma and Maybe Row.

I’ll also give Chuck MVP too because LOL.

I mean Town almost lynched the king/Queen Day 1.
Which would have sucked for Town LOL.

Ah yeah you must mean this

A minimum viable product ( MVP ) is a version of a product with just enough features to satisfy early customers…



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Friendly postgame rules:

In addition, there were some nonstandard things in how this game was hosted versus other games onsite, so we’re going to look at putting out some materials/guidelines so people know what to expect when they join a game.


Yeah I mean, the Mafia451 contingent did not drive this game at all.

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I don’t think ending the game force majeure like that was great tbh, if scum wants to play it out let them.

I also don’t think me or Andres ever get mis-killed tbh, lol

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Not after Chemist flips Scum, no. I was already like 99% on you.

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Really? You thought I was Scum here?

I’d rather move on to the next game then play out an essentially over game. It’s not like this game or the last scum were particularly exciting.


Not really no. I was just kinda poking around, maybe a bit when nanook voted, but only if chemist flipped town.