Dub Thee Game Thread

Typically you wouldn’t talk about an evil twin if they were both evil. It would be phrased differently I think.

idk why you’re arguing against me, I too am saying that it is unlikely Row is scum.

I’m not arguing against you. I was just saying that it has nothing to do with the King dubbing Row.

The fuck, doggo?

Chess’ point that the NK being amongst the players on the Xerjr2 also means it’s probably pure reinforces the same argument I think.

Bro, it’s not like the king would want to dub scum, what’s so hard to understand about that logic too?

excuse me?

Yeah but unless the King read that in detail, how would they know more than anyone else?

Like this is ridiculous, we both arrived at the same conclusion with different logic but it’s all still valid logic, why piss on me about it?

I think you’re taking it too personal.

And I don’t care if you hammer.

Though I think we would still need one more vote.

now you’re acting like the king wouldn’t read an end of day flip card in detail before making a dub during the night? huh?

I think you kinda started this so I really don’t want to hear that from you.

What are you trying to accomplish exactly?

Your lack of reading was demonstrated.

You’ve also outright claimed not king at this point so just quit whilst behind

I was fucking trying to save row from being lynched by Andres tomorrow since it legit sounded like Andres was saying row had to be scum because he was a frank like the scum frank.


or rather just bugger off? this is kinda disgusting.

Yeah really sounds like hes trying to lynch row

You’re the one who wants to continue this rather than dropping it as per suggestion.


But I already said I wouldn’t lynch Row ever in #393. Why would I go back to pushing that tomorrow?

I wasn’t the only one challenging your logic btw. Nanook did also in #420. I just thought it was important to state it in thread.