Dub Thee Game Thread

Click the wrench click set topic timer.

I’m only able to make Wiki.

i exist

You’re EST yes?

It’s 9:45 AM for me.

Im EST btw.

Forum lags so much reee Yall move to discord forum is overrated
also hi everyone Bow down since I am the god of this town

AEST here, it’s 4am so I am off to sleep will daiwyhdjaiwhugdh when I wake up

but mother always said I was god :frowning:

rip the lack of tags, thanks seth for the discord message though : )

VOTE: Solarkoid

For criticizing the site. How dare you!

Hello all. Let’s have fun. And if you’re the King, keep it to yourself for now.

VOTE: solarkoid

Lots of people I don’t know, howdy. I notice a lot more roleplaying happening than what I usually see. Therefore I dub myself to be the king’s wolfhound, we will fight the good fight! Wolves beware!

Alternatively I can roleplay as the cleric, also known as heal bitch. My healing spells will also do damage against undead scummies.

In either case, I am someone’s sheep, looking for my master to follow :eyes:

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Sit iz gud

Do you like nursery rhymes?

That was for doggo

uh I don’t dislike them at least, they can be charming if implemented correctly. wouldn’t call myself an expert on them, would say the stories I tell are a bit more adult.

Have you ever heard this one:

Bah bah black sheep, have you any wool?
“Yes sir yes sir, three bags full. One for my master, one for my mistress, and one for the thot that lives down the lane.”

It’s a classic

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indeed, such a classic. one worthy of a play to be made of it for the king to enjoy!

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The nursery rhyme was mediocre, VOTE: Nanook

No one has a thot!