Dub Thee Game Thread

Use the hammer looking buttonSmartSelect_20200106-085944_Chrome

Then it’ll count in the automatic vote counter!

**Xerje might not be here for the rest of the day. He said he won’t be on till 8:00 PM but I’m not sure what time zone he is in **

bro let your players play the game. stop messaging them to vote, stop saying things as the mod that you shouldn’t be saying.

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chess I cant disagree with you more.
Seth is just pushing them to play and reminding them bcs like they being out of the fucking game doesnt really help in determining the scum team. Hell if Seth weren’t there I would probs forget this game nwn

it’s OGI and it has no place in mafia. If you can’t remember that you joined a game, maybe you shouldn’t have? I mean this doesn’t seem like a real argument.

Oh im sorry your majesty for being a little forgetful??? Not everyone has such a pointy memory as you do your Highness

Yeah well when you want a game running you advertise it all over social media until game gets full. (In this case Discord) they may not be active so I remind them as I want my game to be both active, fun and signed ASAP.
Can’t handle that? Bring it to DM’s. :grin:.
Anyway, I won’t be back until EOD so cya all later.


yes encouraging people to be active/participate fine but sometimes inaction is a perfectly legitimate strategy

edit: this was meant as a reply to the whole thread sorry drifter

xerj also smells like the classic “meme like a goofball” scum strategy

VOTE: Xerjr2

that “if you’re insulting me that warrants a vote” joke strikes me a bit odd

Copying a wagon is never good in my book, let Chesskid keep it as his special wagon VOTE: Xerjr2

That’s what plurality at deadline means

Why not both!

Private prods for activity are fine, telling the thread “X player won’t be back until Y time” or explicitly telling players to vote introduces a lot of OGI into the game that probably shouldn’t exist.

Nooky are we staying or joining late “flashwagon” “victim” xerj2 on his lefia crusade

If it picks up another vote sure. Otherwise I’d just as well stay parked and get Andres or doggo to vote with us

I don’t see much reason to kill him over solar given the choice :woman_shrugging:

Oh it’s just my suspicious alarm going off

I mean I think I would vote to save, yeah