Big Ass Yacht (NSIMI Game B)

Fake claims exist round these parts come on

I don’t know how that answers my question.

Is there a precedent on this website for vigilante roles aligned with the mafia team? Spare me your belly-aching (boomer words!) for a minute please and just humor that question.

This is literally my second game here

Oh okay, cool beans.

Anyone else? Help me out here? Mafia vigilantes? Exist? Nah?

I find mechanical Mafia to be extremely tedious, so please bare with me while I sort through this technical mud.

Oh wait… No, I think I know what happened here.

UFOFever is clearly fake claiming vigi in order to cover for Chesskid’s PR. Chesskid3 is Davy Jones and he took Elli with him when he was cast into the sea. Davy Jones will return as a bulletproof IC vigilante and mafia will have to lynch him in order to win the game. So now that Chesskid3 is outed (by me)… Sorry man… Feelsbadman. I suppose UFOFever can stop fake claiming.

So, this basically confirms that UFOFever is VT and Ellibereth is the mafia quarterback Tom Brady, he orchestrated the lynch of two mafia D2 and did his best to take himself out of the game as well in order to leave without a trace. In the end game, we will praise Ellibereth for his innovative methods of getting his entire team killed D1/N1.

On D3, we will get Chesskid3 back and he is going to murder all of the mafia, so no sweat. UFO is lock town based on this logic.

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It’s possible, but again not too important cause ufo gets lynched anyway. Also only one kill in game A means maf cant take two actions or he just isnt a vig.

Alrighty. My thoughts were drifting more to a mafia-StarV place given that GTacc is a default calculator kill (hence my own choice!) that anyone can comfortably make. That’s a tinfoil for another day if ever.

Your vig claim is still bad. :thinking:

Also, Elli confirmed me town… If you believe I’m mafia, you have to believe UFO is town and Ellibereth is mafia

i wouldnt be surprised to see a scum vig if only prs are vigs and watchers but yeah not tinfoiling starv. his d1 was p nice.

I don’t care about that! smacks StarV with a rolled newspaper with a swift boomer strike

He claimed not boomer and is now boomer posting :face_vomiting:

You just wrote three paragraphs about that exact scenario.

Unfortunately it’s absolute Swahili to this foreigner.

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now don’t make me turn this car around

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So vigs kill tonight in Hannah/Jay/Urist, since dan claimed the sprityo kill and compulsive n1 vig?

but yeah tn is town for his nutella read. Scum doesn’t think to themselves, “ima bus by saying my partner didn’t meta dive, fooled em!”

at jay

unless vigs don’t get another shot actually, didn’t think of that

no scum has ever thought this btw, for emphasis.

veto jay shot but im not losing sleep over it.