Surprised Srceen isn’t lynching you for being in a forum with him

I haven’t though :woman_shrugging:

yea cuz he knows my alignment

P sure you have but I’m not going to get bogged down in this.

@Urist where are you on tommy?

there are better lynches to be had. idk why people seem confident that he isn’t the jester.

You think Not Mafias jester claim was fake?

is this a real question that i’m supposed to answer

I’m not asking questions just because I’ve got a handsome voice tone

Yes mothafucka if you make a point and I ask you a follow up question answer it

What made you go from having me as town to your top scumread?

like why would i ever just accept that a jester claim is true.

Wait shit I forgot you guys don’t call me Tommy

Let’s beg for a deadline extension

Let’s not

let’s beg for a 96h d1 and then try to hammer someone within 48h without actually knowing whether hammers are a thing
sounds real fun guys

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Let’s beg for 48 hr phases so that d1 would be over by now

Lads I dunno when j played with jester before it didn’t auto end the game, and I think if it did here we would be forewarned

That seems more suitable to a very small game setup than something like this, I doubt Elli is gonna want the game to just be able to end D1 because we lynched the wrong person once
