A Mostly Normal Game - Deep South Mafia - Town Victory

The thing we’re building is completely done in private.

When did that happen?

I think you meant gtacc but we learned our lesson from that one

There’ll be no public sign up topic that’s effected.

The idea is basically this:

If someone privately organizes with a group of friends that they want to play a game on our platform, they can just start it and go ahead. That’s encouraged.

Now what happens if a group of 10 friends wants to play a 13 player game? Their main option right now is to make a sign up topic and take whichever 3 people come. That’s fine but for a few groups that’s undesirable because they want a guarantee the last 3 slots are people they at least kinda get along with and don’t want to awkwardly say no to ppl in public.

What we’re making basically (privately) generates and contacts recommendations to fill the desired game in a way that maximizes the groups happiness.

think he meant gtacc for the 3 player shitshow

i barely remember the original thought and just remember that what was originally stated was not something that encouraged any positivity

Yeah would have to see it in practice

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was gtacc my bad

We do too xD

was unfort what happened w gtacc

i think it was him misunderstanding; elli asked me to get a “tryhard” game so i pinged 2 of my “tryhard” friends and played with them. gtacc signed up separately in thread for the setup, and nobody else wanted to play it so it sat.

felt bad for the dude though either way

yeah it was just done poorly which is why any arranged stuff we’re making sure is super distinct from public signups going forward

Privately arranged games could theoretically just be private pm threads right?

This is for another topic I think don’t want to clog this thread


we’ll finish the current implementation and see how it goes - there’ll be a discussion topic for it