Will say more at a computer, but yeah, the push on DS was basically a stress/reaction test. I exaggerated to get a reaction, cause you get more reactions from “I’ll kill this player no matter what!” than from “this is a reaction test, I may or may not kill this player.” If he’d reacted townie to the pressure on him, I would’ve moved my vote.
I’m not sure how much DS was acting vs. telling the truth so I’ll wait for him to clarify on that.
[I’ll probably just kill Chess he’s cleared once you flip.]
[If Elli is telling the truth, this ends the game D2.]
This is what I wrote. I didn’t buy your claim wholesale but certainly thought it possible. It was always between the two of you anyway.
He was acting. I’m sure he’ll confirm.
I mean, I assumed at least mostly acting, but it still seemed like the right thing to do to clear the air.
mmm yeah
mainly because the topic of what we (as a site) should do the day where it isn’t acting happens is something on my mind a lot.
I was a role cop
Got a green on star
Why me? I was obv no?
Actually I submitted you before the game started and at end of day thought you where a good check so left it.
I waffled all day between copping m2h and andres
Ended on m2h
wait what does a rolecop get on vt/goon.
same thing?
like they can never clear anyone right
Would be clear not 2 goons once massclaim
There was another town pr