A Mostly Normal Game - Deep South Mafia - Town Victory

tbh I don’t like how fast chesskid jumped on DS after screenplay

Yeah quite scummy

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Tier’s circling like a shark, waiting to attack when DS gets to L-1.

You have that power

I’m being mr. conservative

Fu k off

fuck you.

can i give eli my vote in this game?

Vote Count 1.1

DS (3): Nanook, Srceenplay, chesskid3
chesskid3 (1): M2H
Tier (1): StarV

Not Voting (4): Ellibereth, Andresvmb, DS, Tier

I’m not scum fwiw

I will lol if it’s Chesskid in both games

Ha it was him in the oth er game

Gg me

shush don’t talk about the other game zzz (I know he’s flipped but makes it hard/awkward for other people to respond/talk about)

DS feels like a gut town lean right now just based on tone and meta.

That’s fine, other game doesn’t matter but this train matters

VOTE: Chesskid3

I still like my chesskid vote for rn, but why are you voting him?

Him and Srceenplay just piled on me literally within a minute of each other with no reasoning given

Yeah, I think it’s Chesskid3 and Tier.

He does not.

He does have a tendency to want to kill DS.