2 Mafia, 1 Vig, 6 VT - OVER

(by the way, this entirely comes down to a matter of how you interpret “i don’t really think so” - nowhere did i say the words “you shouldn’t townread him”)

feels like i’m being talked past, like people aren’t actually reading what i’m saying very closely.

wait i see it interpreted another way lol

this is too confusing for me


wtf i shouldnt be so lost trying to understand this

eh that still looks like it has the intention of shooting down the townread

Who’s scum, next answer gets my vote

not me

You don’t think they were expressing genuine skeptism that Neymar could have a read from such little to go on?
You seem to have woven a whole case of scum from as little to go on yourself.

Hi Jiffy, Probaably You! :grinning::rofl::joy:

I am not agreeing with Sheep and Neyar making a case on NSG from a slight suppossed FOS.
Are one or both scum jumping on a small slight?

Or am I genuinely missing what they are claiming to see?

What do you think of the Northsidegirl/Sheep/Neymar interaction?

Are you genuinely seeing sneaky scum?
Or are you White Knighting Neymar?

@fferyllt All the action seems to be between Neymar/Sheep/NSG
Especially between Sheep and NSG.

What do you think is going on between them?
A/ Sheep genuinely thinking they are catching nsg out?
B/ Sheep being over defensive of Neymar?
C/ Sheep being scum attacking a post they think they can twist to their own end?
D/ Something else?

@_fferyllt, same question for you.

how does someone interpret what i was doing as “whiteknighting neymar”

like unless you misunderstood the definition of whiteknight that thought is always fake

thinking cats/nsg best bets rn vote one of them

Well, the way I read it is, you are defending Neymars Town read and implying that Northsidegirl is fossing him and challenging his read.

Why should she challenge Neymars “Towny” read on someone?
Why shouldn’t they challange anyones “Towny” or for that matter anyone read on anyone?

You seem to me to be overreacting, and I am asking why?

Should BE-- Why ShouldNOT they challange.